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ADRIUS » en » список статей ЕN » Women's tormentor – cystitis.

Women's tormentor – cystitis.

We continue to publish the work of Vladimir Nikolayevich Kosenko, an urologist, a specialist of the highest qualification category and Honoured Doctor of Ukraine.



Cystitis is literally translated from Greek as an inflammation of the inner lining of the bladder (urothelium). Moreover, women are more likely to get sick, in the ratio of 10 women to 1 man. From 70 to 80% of women experienced cystitis at least once in their lives. The disease is extremely common. According to the medical statistics in Ukraine, more than one million patients per year seek help due to this disease. A relapse of the disease occurs in more than 51% of cases.

Until recently, disproportionately little attention was paid to the problem of cystitis. This is due to both medical (after all, the disease does not lead to death or disability), and psychological reasons (the patient's feeling of discomfort and shame often lead to the silence of the disease). As a rule, many patients self-medicate – they take pills on the advice of friends, herbs, folk remedies, etc. As a result, such a treatment causes chronic bladder dysfunction – a constant frequent urge to urinate (especially at night), small amounts of urine and imperatively demanding urges up to urinary incontinence.

All these martyrs walk with permanent linings, and smell of decomposing urine. They suffer from sleep disorder (go up the toilet 8-10 times at night) and even experience constant discomfort and burning sensation from skin irritation on the genitals, perineum and thighs. All this significantly worsens the quality of life (social, family and physical aspects).

Of course, I'm talking about the severe bladder dysfunction. But if the primary manifestations are not treated, then the likelihood of such complications is quite high. We will not consider a huge number of causes of cystitis, because this is a doctors’ field, so let them study it. Just for clarity sake, I will name a few of the most common diagnoses – acute and chronic cystitis, cystalgia, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, overactive bladder, imperative and stress urinary incontinence, neurogenic bladder. As you can see, there is lots of the work to do.

I would like to comment encrusted cystitis, which is currently very common. It is not a secret that the ecology on Earth is suffering more and more. We increasingly eat genetically modified foods – meat of animals and birds grown on biostimulants; vegetables and fruits with growth and maturation stimulants; drink juices and water with dyes and stabilizers. All these products contain a bunch of substances harmful to the human body. At first, our body actively resists, the liver neutralizes all this harm, the kidneys and intestine remove toxins out of our body. But there comes a moment when ammunition runs out. Decompensation of protective forces occurs. First of all, there is a malfunction of the mineral metabolism regulation. Our body, for no reason at all, begins to accumulate mineral salts in the quantities that it does not have time to process them. So salts are deposited in the gallbladder, kidneys, spine, large and small joints. This is one of the reasons for the gallbladder and kidneys stones, common osteochondrosis, arthrosis and gout.

The appearance of salts in the bladder leads to the incrustation of the mucous membrane, i.e. impregnation of the inner lining with minerals (urothelium).                                                          

Imagine a steep river bank, pitted with holes, where birds, mice and other animals live. In these mini-holes bacteria settle. In the normal state of the body, they, like good neighbors, do not particularly annoy and feed on your cellular waste. But in the presence of provoking factors, such as a viral infection, decreased immunity, hypothermia, psychological stress, alcohol, spicy and salty dishes, these bacteria become aggressors and cause an inflammatory process.

These aggressors, forgetting about good neighbor relations, affect the mucous membrane of the bladder, giving the owner a bunch of all sorts of troubles.

The doctor faces the following problem – how to treat such a patient? Bacteria are usually insensitive to antibiotics; it is very difficult to get them out of these mini caves; it is difficult to create the right concentration of anti-inflammatory substances due to constant emptying of the bladder. Now many scientists believe that prescribing antibiotics is a step backward, and they recommend to take antibiotics not more than three days. The resistance (insensitivity) of bacteria to antibiotics is a global medical challenge. Therefore, herbal remedies are gradually entering the scene. Smart people say that everything new is well-forgotten old. After all, herbal remedies are the fundamental principle of the academic pharmacopoeia.

Of course, the science does not stand still. Phytoneering is a great achievement. It is separate extraction of plant components and mixing them in the right proportions. As a result new herbal remedies appear. Gradually, such herbal remedies, based on plant extracts in the form of tablets, capsules and oils, have confidently occupied their niche in the market of medicinal products and now freely coexist on the shelves of pharmacies with preparations of the cademic pharmacopoeia.

Some scientists are inclined to believe that modern herbal medicine can be an alternative to antibiotic therapy. This is undoubtedly the path to a natural solution to inflammatory problems.

It should be noted that new herbal remedies are significantly more powerful than the proposed herbal preparations. So, be healthy!

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