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ADRIUS » en » Instr

ADRIUS - instruction

capsules No.30


Each capsule contains:

Active ingredients:

Tribulus terrestris fruits extract – 250 mg;

Withania somnifera root and leaf extract – 100 mg;

Mucuna pruriens fruits extract – 90 mg;

Asparagus adscendens root extract – 80 mg;

Royal jelly – 10 mg;

Yohimbine HCl USP – 2.5 mg.

Excipients: anticaking agent anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide, thickener polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP K30), preservative sodium benzoate.

Capsule: gelling agent gelatine, purified water, Ponceau 4R colorant (E 124), patent blue colorant (E 131), titanium dioxide colorant, carmoisine colorant (E 122), phloxine B colorant, methylparaben and propylparaben preservatives, lauryl preservative.

The product contains E124 and E122 that may negatively affect the activity and attention in children.

Characteristics of ingredients:

Adrius® contains a carefully selected balanced composition of medicinal plants, which have a complex effect on the state and functions of the reproductive system in men.

Withania somnifera root and leaf extract. Withania somnifera is known as one of the most active aphrodisiacs. Withania somnifera enhances testosterone synthesis and improves spermatogenesis. The plant exhibits pronounced anti-stress properties. In addition, the plant has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunostimulating, cardioprotective and antiproliferative properties.

Mucuna pruriens fruits extract exhibits a wide range of properties, such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective and antibacterial properties. The plant is used as an aphrodisiac. The plant contributes to testosterone level increase, and improves the formation and quality of sperm.

Asparagus adscendens root extract is used as an aphrodisiac and in case of various erectile disorders such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and lack of sexual desire. Due to saponins, asparagus exhibits pronounced adaptogenic and tonic properties.

Tribulus terrestris fruits extract has a tonic effect, and increases sex drive and testosterone levels, and improves the urinary system functioning as well. The extract has a stimulating effect on erectile function and spermatogenesis. In addition, the plant has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anticholesterolemic, antihypertensive and diuretic effects.

Yohimbine hydrochloride is an alkaloid derived from the bark of Corynanthe Yohimbe tree growing in West Africa. It is a selective α2-adrenoceptor antagonist. For more than 100 years it has been using as an aphrodisiac and in case of erectile dysfunction. It is effective for both organic and psychogenic forms of erectile dysfunction.

Apilac known as royal jelly is a secret produced by the allotrophic glands of working bees. It contains proteins, amino acids, polysaccharides, trace elements, lipids, enzymes, vitamins of group B (pantothenic acid, pyridoxine) ascorbic acid. It improves immunity, stimulates metabolism, contributes to rapid recovery in the period of physical activity, reduces fatigue and irritability, and reduces the manifestations of chronic fatigue syndrome as well.

The effect on sexual function in men is characterized by increased sex drive, testosterone levels and improved sperm motility.

 Recommendations for use:

Adrius® can be recommended as a source of biologically active substances of herb origin for normalization of male reproductive system functioning. It contributes to the increase of physical endurance and the improvement of the erectile function and spermatogenesis.

It is recommended to consult your doctor before use.

Method of administration: adults should take 1-2 capsules with water once or twice a day after meals.

Duration of use: 30 to 45 days. The further period of use and possibility of repeated courses should be discussed with your doctor

Warning: do not exceed the recommended daily dose (serving). The product is not a substitute for a balanced diet.

Contraindications: The product is contraindicated for children and people individual hypersensitivity to the components.

Shelf life: 3 years from the date of manufacture.

Storage conditions: Store in a dry place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. 

Keep out of reach of children.

Release form: 30 capsules in a pack.


per 100 g

per 1 capsule (serving)

Energy (caloric) value of the product:


1469.68 kJ

351.60 kcal

8.251 kJ

1.974 kcal

Nutritional (food) value of the product:


15.00 g

0.084 g


0.40 g

0.002 g


72.00 g

0.405 g

* The calculation was made for one serving. As per "Method of Administration", the necessary data must be multiplied according to the dosage in the course of treatment".

Food supplement. It is not a medicinal preparation. Does not contain GMO.

Manufacturer: Ananta Medicare Limited,

Legal address: 621, Ring Road Mall, Sector – 3, Rohini, New Delhi – 110085, India;

Actual address of manufacturing (site) facilities: G-1-265, Phase-II, RIICO Industrial Area, Udyog Vihar, Sri Ganganagar (Raj), India.

Importer/Organization receiving consumer complaints:

Evitas Ltd., 37, Iskrinska str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61001, tel./fax:+38(057)766-07-44.

Where to buy:

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